Parents Diagnosed with Mesothelioma
Tips for Coping With Your Parent’s Mesothelioma Diagnosis
There is nothing worse than being told that someone you care about has cancer. It’s even more difficult if that person is your parent. Growing up, children often think of their parents as invincible, but when they get sick this ideal fades and feelings of hopelessness or anger can set in.
No matter the mesothelioma type, location or stage, you may feel very anxious and scared when you’re told of your parent’s diagnosis. You may also be confused about how exactly to move forward. These feelings are all perfectly normal and expected.
Coming to terms with your parent’s diagnosis won’t happen overnight, but there are various tools and resources you can use to help both yourself and your parent adjust to this new normal.
1. Learn About Your Parent’s Diagnosis
Learn everything there is to know about your parent’s mesothelioma cell type, disease stage and possible treatment side effects. The more you know, the less anxious you may feel about the unknown.
While researching your parents’ diagnosis, organize the information you collect. Compiling information like your parent’s medications line and treatment plan can help you and your family feel more in control, which again can reduce anxiousness and fear.